Monday, August 15, 2011

Helping Out

       Helping out is something that is supposed to be done everyday. Most people, for some unknown reason, choose to ignore the cry for help. Therefore, as an act of fairness, there should be a law made to force people to help others who are truly in need of service.
    Now, if the law forcing people to help others in need then that would lower the rate of accidents happening inside or outside of homes. John Bishop, in the article "Teaching Moments-Helping Others", states, "In today's world there are plenty of people who belong to the it's all about me club. Many people belive it's a me me me world and miss an essesntial part of life-- helping others." This proves how a lot of people choose not to help others in need.
Finally, after looking over the evidence from the article, a law where people should be forced to help others in need. People need to stop thinking about themselves all the time and help their neighbors.

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