Tuesday, August 23, 2011

good samaritan

One day when I was six years old my cousin and I were heading up to Lego land with my aunt Monica,while enjoying the car ride there eating snacks and singing to music we passed by a homeless veteran with a sign begging for a cheeseburger. While we passed by him I felt guilty for rather spending my money to buy a toy at Lego land over buying a mans lunch leaving him to starve. I got one glimpse of his eyes and my heart sunk and while I looked over to my cousin ( whose a year older) I could see that we had the same expression on our faces. Quickly I told my aunt to pull over to the closest McDonald's and I would pay for the mans lunch. Once I got up to the counter I realized I was a little short of money since all I had were dimes, I walked away sadly thinking how bad of a disappointment I was to him. I looked over my shoulder to tell my aunt we should go to see that my cousin was paying for the rest of the cost! once we found the man my cousin and I both ran up to give it to him and he had the biggest smile on his face. That day on I learned to share and give back is a great feeling, and I'm proud of myself for not keeping the money.

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