Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Samaritan

I was at a store one day with my cousin and his friend. I was 6 years old, my cousin was 14 and his friend was 15, we were buying a bunch of stuff that was worth probably around $350 and we only had $200 but we did not know that, so when we went to the cash register and the lady told us the amount we were shocked. We did not know what to do so my cousin talked to her and asked if she checked it right, so she checked and it was the same after 5-8 minuetes some random guy asked my cousin how much we needed, and my cousin told him and he gave my cousin $100, my cousin was so grateful to that guy that when he asked where he can meet him to repay him the guy simply said " Its not neccesary I gave you the money because you needed it" so my cousin just said thank you and I was just with my mouth opend the whole time. Until I was about 10-11 did I realize that he was a good samaritan because after he gave us the money he had a smile.

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