Monday, September 12, 2011

When the power outage happened on Thursday, i was in Mr. Salazar's room with Janessa. I just thought Mr. Salazar had a faulty classroom and thats why the lights and computer snapped off. It wasn't until we left class that we realized the power was out everywhere, because our cell phones weren't working properly and as we were walking home, we saw that the streetlights had cut off,and the cross walks didn't work. Since we live in Winding Walk, we walked past the Mall, Vons, and In n out. In n out had closed down, as well as most stores in the mall. Wal-Mart was constantly being robbed, and there was a swarm of people inside of Vons buying up bottle water and canned foods as if preparing for the apocalypse. The line was down the block and no one was obeying traffic rules. Not to mention it was HOT! When i got home, I did work until the sun went down and then i went outside and chilled with my neighbors, ate sandwiches, and charged my phone in the car while playing music. When i went to sleep that night, it was more quiet and peaceful, kind of like how it is in the country. I realized that without electricity, a lot of us have no lives. It was still fun to be in a power outage, and i've been in them before so it wasn't shocking or anything, but it was kind of crazy how i felt like i had nothing to do because electric entertainment wasn't at my disposal.

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