Monday, September 12, 2011


During last week on Thursday, there was a power outage that left millions of people in San Diego, Arizona and Mexico with no electricity. However, I was still practicing outside with my band, so I never noticed it. When practice was over, my dad kept rushing me to hurry to the car so the family could all stay together at the house. Going home was a pain because the traffic lights were not working properly and it seemed like everyone was rushing home. When me and my dad checked Vons, we saw people going out of the store carrying packs of water bottles and there was also a security guard out near the door to keep watch. Since there was not electricity, I did not air conditioning to keep me cool after a day of hard work and practice. My dad turned on the radio and I was told to work on my homework before the sun would go out after eating dinner. However, we did have a few flashlights and when we faced it towards the ceiling, it reflected a bright light off to the ground. I decided to go to sleep early even though the radio announced that there would be no school on Friday because there was no reason to stay up if I could not even watch television. I woke up at the middle night and noticed one light turn on and when I woke up from my sleep again, the power was back on.
As people, it seems that we all depend on electricity. Much of the jobs today depend on electricity, so has a big impact on our society. It just makes everything easier for everyone. Without it, we would need to start fires just to cook our food and write everything on paper. Electricity is extremely useful in the world we live in today, we live off of it everyday. The blackout last week shows that we would have trouble even with one day without electricity.

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