Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kept in the Dark

Last Thursday evening, all of San Diego and parts of the western side of Arizona, which is almost 5 million people, was consumed by a massive black out. The blackout lasted approximately 12 hours, starting at about 3:30 pm and lasting up to 3:30 am. I did not notice when the black out occurred because I was on the soccer field on campus, practicing marching with the rest of the band. Mr. Mabrey, the band director, was informed of the situation at the end of practice, and once he found out, he announced it to the band. We made our way back to the band room, which was incredibly dark, and put away our instruments in their lockers, which was a painful affair since no one could see. Once at home, I began my homework but was tired so I ended up taking a small nap, and afterwards taking a shower. Then I went outside with my siblings and neighbors and we rode our bikes for a while, and by this time it was already very dark outside. My dad barbecued some chicken and hot dogs and we ate in the candlelight. My siblings went to the pool but I was bored so I just went to sleep and didn't wake up again until around 4am, which was when my dad discovered there was light and decided to let us all know by turning on every single light in the house. I think the black out was fun, but only because I got the opportunity to catch up on my rest. I believe that the United States has become much too dependent on electricity, so we should try and have days where we do not use any electricity, and live more at peace with our neighbors and actually get a chance to interact with people face to face. The black out was a positive experience, and one that allowed us to reconnect with those that are around us but that we do not really take the time to speak to in person.

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