Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vivid Picture - Description

My dad has always loved having trees in our backyard. Not just any trees though, the trees have to give a fruit or else it's just a waste in his perspective. I have loved fruit since I was very little, probably because we always had fruit around. When I go outside the backdoor to the yard during the summer all I see are trees everywhere. The closest one is a pear tree. I have always admired it for some reason.

The pears this tree gives are different than the ones from the grocery store. They are not as green, they have a sort of ashy tinge to them like in the picture. They are also bigger and have a tougher skin. The inside is beige. The fruit itself is crunchy, like an apple. It tastes sweet when it is ripe. I usually pick the pear and eat it right on the spot.

If you bite more than you can chew it is difficult to swallow it because it is not soft like other pears, it is harder. The texture is also different, on the outside it feels more papery. On the inside it feels like an apple, but drier. The part close to the core is the best, it is sweeter and juicier.

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