Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My iPhone has everything and I am so grateful to have it! My iPhone has everything it has music,pictures, internet, and its a phone. The iPhone is so sleek and thin. Did i mention how smart it is? You can be using the internet texting and calling all at the same time. It seems like it keeps me organized because of all the features it has such as note pads, calenders and alarm clocks.

The iPhone is an amazing device that can help out anyone. It can be used as a regular iPod, listen to music and watch videos. It can also keep you occupied by playing games or even using the internet. This phone is smart, not to mention that you can use internet all at the same time. Using the internet has a great advantage even in school. When you need to look up something, the smart yet easy using iPhone can help you out in an efficient way.

Using the iPhone is easy, you first start out by swiping the unlock button. From there colorful apps are all around your screen waiting to be used. Typing is just like on the computer a keyboard pops up on the screen and you just type, you can even turn it on its side to make it bigger! Listening to music is just like any other iPod you click the app and you simply can browse through songs, artists, and playlists. The iPhone is everything you will ever need in 1 phone!

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