Monday, August 8, 2011

Controversial Rule: No Food in Classrooms

One of the known general rules in most classrooms is having no food or drink allowed with the exception of water. When students ask why, all teachers give us the same answer: it will cause ants in the classroom. When the school informed students why this rule should be enforced, I thought that the reason was logical and understandable. But later on, I started to notice that even teachers bring food to their own classrooms and sometimes even eat their snack during class. At first, it didn't really bother me because i thought that they were too busy to eat their breakfast. But now, I'm in my second year here in Olympian and it seems like every teacher I had in Olympian High School are practicing against the rule. I do not understand why teachers get the privilege but we do not. Just because they're the teacher or the adult in the classroom does not mean anything. It does not change the fact that they are eating in the classroom. They are pretty much implying us that it's okay to break the rule. So why enforce the no food or drink rule? Us students can be also too busy to eat breakfast so it should be okay if we eat a little granola bar to keep us awake in class if teachers are also doing the same thing for the same reason. Although I do believe that excessive food will bring ants in the classroom so to limit the ant problem, the rule should be changed to "No excessive food or drink allowed in classroom." That way, students and teachers can be more awake and more focused during class with the help of a little snack.

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