Contrary to popular belief, gum SHOULD be allowed on campus.Though gum also falls under the "no food" rule,there are many other significances to it.Gum is sometimes chewed during class to stay awake,and that seems beneficial since teachers do not want their students to be closing their eyes during a lecture.Gum is not chewed as a nuisance to teachers,believe it or not.In fact,besides staying awake,gum is often used as a concentration method to stay focused.It is not fair that the school prohibits gum just because irresponsible people improperly disposes of it.There's a cluster of people in schools all over the county that know how to throw away their chewed item in to the nearest trash can.This controversial topic should be looked at both ways;from the inclination of the teachers and the students.The campus may have some gum residue on it's pavements, but would you rather have some gum on the floor or students paying more attention in class?It is not fair that people get punished for slipping a tiny piece of gum in to their mouths.No one likes serving a saturday school just because they tried to actually stay awake during class.
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