Tuesday, August 2, 2011

description-tennis ball

Tennis balls, they come in just one size and they all look exactly the same. When I buy a new pack of tennis I love opening the 3 pack of tennis balls and pulling back the aluminum tab it is sealed with. Once i pull back the tab the pressure from the air inside lets out a new car smell. I grab a ball and notice that on the outside it says PENN, which is the name of the brand. In my hand the ball is covered in fluffy green felt that feels as soft as a pillow. After playing with the same tennis ball over and over again the ball starts to lose it color, it goes from being a nice grass green to ugly green that has been left in sun for too long and is no longer fluffy anymore. Once the ball loses its fluff and color it also starts to lose it bounce. It goes from bouncing about 15 feet in the air to about 5 feet in the air. After you realize the ball has lost everything it is time to throw the ball away that I just bought a few days ago.

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