Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Carne Asada Fries

I walk into Lolita's taco shop and I wonder what to eat. Then I see one of the waiters push out one of the most delectable dish this side of the border. I smile to the person that claims the dish, he smiles back, both of us are in love with carne asada fries. The scent of fries and carne asada was so tempting, so I ordered some.
Now you may wonder what are carne asada fries? It is basically baked french fries with little salt, with fistfuls of carne asada or grilled beef piled onto it. Next comes the layers of guacamole, sour cream, cheese, and any other topping that you desire like tomatoes. It is soft and warm to bite, there is a multitude of flavors that occur at once in my mouth. It smells of a Mexican grill mixed with an American burger place.
There is no specific way to eat this dish, other than find a good spot to start, and let loose. However,to mix it up and keep the fries interesting, you need to add hot sauce or salsa verde to the mix. From there it is every french fry for himself as once you start you can't stop until it is all gone.

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