Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My mom has always loved to buy apples for me when I was a little kid. She has always said, "They are very good for you, and nutritional." I loved to eat apples, and I still do love to eat them wherever I am. I also just love eating apples, they are delicious and they keep you strong and healthy.

There are different kinds of apples: the red ones, green ones, and the yellow ones. They green apples are sour and the yellow apples are sweeter than the red apples. The skin of the apples are tough and you may choke if you do not chew it up good. When you get to the inside, it becomes much more easier to chew and swallow.

When you first bite into an apple and taste it, it is very juicy. The green apples are sour and will sometimes make you twitch. The yellow apples are so sweet and will make you want to savor every bite. The red apples are a little combination of both, but more on the sweet side. It is a great snack to eat, because, not only are they good, they are healthy.

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