Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My books-Monique Geisen

The above pictures are pictures of my actual bookshelves that go around the perimeter of my ceiling
Running my fingers along the books' spines I finger each title knowing what happens in each story. Some short and some long each one interesting and delightful in their own way. Certain aspects of each story pop out at me. Each cover ragged from use. But as my mother used to say, "A ragged book is a loved book, it means you have read it too many times." I pick up a particularly beat up book, one of my favorites and leaf through the pages.
Words jump out at me, "Sorting, Magic, Wands, Abuse, Wizard, Oaf." Things that remind me of what the story is about. I put the book back on the shelf and smile. As I look at each book I am reminded of adventure, horror, mystery, romance, suspense, joy, and sadness. Some titles catch my eye, while others seem to fade into the background. The titles that stand out are books that Ive really enjoyed, like the Hunger Games, Pendragon, or City of Glass.
When you open a book life begins to fade away and stress almost seems to evaporate from your body. You relax into your favorite chair and curl into a blanket suddenly in a world of adventure. So far away from the stress of real life you can imagine anything and really place yourself in a characters shoes. When the character is happy, your happy, at a particularly exciting moment you become tense and your heart beat quickens, what will happen next? As you read you sink into the world of make believe.

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