Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Radio

With no cable, and hardly any access to a computer, I have come to heavily rely on the radio for entertainment. From the little black rectangular prism comes my favorite songs and occasionally news if I arrive at the right time, so I can be up to date on some of the latest developments. It is almost medieval these days, the radio has been shunned out of society by none other than the iPod and computers from which music can be played. Every day that I walk in to my room from school I roll the dial that turns on that small, music playing box, and from then on continue to do my homework until it is time to go to sleep.

It is always nice to see the radio just sitting in the corner of my room; it has become a large part of my room's overall image and it would be missed if I ever threw it away. As I first turn up the volume, the sound comes out fuzzy so I move the antenna about, and then move the radio itself until the sound comes out crystal clear. Finally, once perfectly adjusted I can sit on my bed and relax, sometimes even falling asleep from too much relaxation. I wake up to the realization that the volume is much too high or low and I go to turn the dial, and then sit back down to begin my homework. I try to finish my homework by 10pm because that is when my radio station ceases to play music and begins a talk show that is boring. And although this everyday routine may seem dull to some people, I always look forward to listening to a bit of music at the end of the day.

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