Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Military Aircrafts

Military aircrafts are things that make some people want to fly or enjoy watching, others dont really like it because they think they are flying to low and think they are gonna crash. Military aircrafts can be small, big and can be built in any shape. The aircrafts are a great invention because it may solve problems between different countrys.

Military aircrafts are dangerous because you never know what could go wrong. The aircrafts are designed for air to air combat with other aircrafts. They are also used to bomb certain places, but not all aircrafts are able to attack the ground, as they are specific aircrafts to do certain things. The military aircrafts we use now are actually the fifth generation of jet fighters.

Military aircrafts are going to be built new ways. Aircrafts are like cars, you never want it to shut down on you and you want to go fast. There's always going to be more and more aircrafts built and the generations of it will not stop. Aircrafts are needed to bomb places we are in war with. They are gonna help us win a war against other countries.

- Sebastian Lopez

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