Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The hamburger is an all-time favorite for everybody. They are served everywhere in places like Japan and New Zealand. If you were to see 2 buns, you would know at an instant that you were looking at one. When you order it, you could always expect to see it with some fries.

Hamburgers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Each one of them has there own story, a flavor that distinguishes itself from all the others. The most common form of a hamburger consists of a patty, 2 buns, tomatoes, lettuce and possibly cheese. But as time passed, people decided to give a few tweaks to it and claim it as their own. One example is the Blue Jay Burger from Hodad's, which is a burger served with bacon, blue cheese and grilled onions.

In Ohio, had lived two brothers known as Frank and Charles Menches. At county fairs, they had sold sandwiches stuffed with ground pork. One day in the year of 1885, the brothers went to butcher to pick up some ground pork but unfortunately, he ran out. So instead of using ground pork, Frank and Charles Menches replaced it with chopped beef. The product received many great reviews and thus, created the hamburger.

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